Wednesday 110309


Bench Press (Phase I/Week 2)

  • 3 @ 70%
  • 3 @ 80%
  • AMRAP @ 90%


Part A:

For Time:

  • 150 KB Swing

*Top of each Minute perform 4 Burpees

Part B:

3 Rds

  • DB Bear Crawl 20 yrds 25#/15#
  • 15 Hand Release Push Ups

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2 Responses
  1. Aaron

    Bench Press
    8-8-8-8 (45#-75#-115#-135#)
    Bent Over Barbell Row
    8-8-8-8 (135#-155#-155#-155#)

    For time (8 minute cap):
    150 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
    4 Burpees at the top of each minute

    Recover 3 minutes

    3 rounds for time of:
    20 yard Bear Crawl, 25# DBs (scaled to unweighted)
    15 Hand release push-ups (subbed bent over barbell row, 135#)

    KB Swings: 96 swings
    Bear Crawl: 7:50