Turkey Challenge Individual WOD #2 Announced

 Individual WOD #2 – Skills Workout

For max points:
3 minutes to reach 1 Rep max Turkish Get Up (#’s)
2 minutes to get max handstand walk distance (feet)
1 minute max double unders (reps)

– Men start with 45# bar, women with 35# bar
– Only scaled can use KB’s
– Bars MUST be clipped
– Lift will begin with one hand on bar and both shoulders and feet touching ground. Other hand CANNOT touch the bar, or the lift must be reset.
– Lift finishes when athlete has bar in control overhead with feet in place (no chasing the bar).
– Do NOT let go of the bar from the top. You may either use both hands to control the bar to the ground, or maintain one hand on the bar and attempt to have the weights meet the ground simultaneously. Letting go of the bar from the top will result in an AUTOMATIC 50 point deduction from total score in addition to a 10 burpee penalty!

Handstand walk
– Rx division must travel a minimum of 5′ at a time. Scaled no minimum.
– Judge marks athletes rear hand when feet contact ground.

Your score will be your highest #’s lifted in the TGU + distance in feet on handstand walk + total number of completed double unders. For example:

Athlete completes a Turkish get up with a bar loaded at 95 lbs. Then he does a total of 75 feet in handstand walks. Finally, he finishes with 110 double unders. The athlete’s score would be 95 + 75 + 110 = 280.

Individual WOD #2 – Skills Workout

For max points:
3 minutes to reach 1 Rep max Turkish Get Up (#’s)
2 minutes to get max handstand walk distance (feet)
1 minute max double unders (reps)

– Men start with 45# bar, women with 35# bar
– Only scaled can use KB’s
– Bars MUST be clipped
– Lift will begin with one hand on bar and both shoulders and feet touching ground. Other hand CANNOT touch the bar, or the lift must be reset.
– Lift finishes when athlete has bar in control overhead with feet in place (no chasing the bar).
– Do NOT let go of the bar from the top. You may either use both hands to control the bar to the ground, or maintain one hand on the bar and attempt to have the weights meet the ground simultaneously. Letting go of the bar from the top will result in an AUTOMATIC 50 point deduction from total score in addition to a 10 burpee penalty!

Handstand walk
– Rx division must travel a minimum of 5′ at a time. Scaled no minimum.
– Judge marks athletes rear hand when feet contact ground.

Your score will be your highest #’s lifted in the TGU + distance in feet on handstand walk + total number of completed double unders. For example:

Athlete completes a Turkish get up with a bar loaded at 95 lbs. Then he does a total of 75 feet in handstand walks. Finally, he finishes with 110 double unders. The athlete’s score would be 95 + 75 + 110 = 280.

 http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/tab1.aspx?EventID=1011358   If you follow this link Pat has a video posted…for some reason I can’t get it to repost right now.

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