Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets:
Reverse V-Ups x 15-20
Single Arm High Pull to External Rotation x 8-10 ea.
Supine Row w/2 Second Pause at top x 6-12
Essentials/Performance Metcon
Metcon (Time)
With a Partner Perform 2 Rds For Time:
40 Strict Chin Ups (Supinated Grip)
200 Double Unders
40 Bench Press
Competition -Strength
Power Snatch
4×3 (Up to 70%)
Power Clean
4×3 (Up to 70%)
Metcon (Time)
2 Rds For Time:
25 Strict Chin Ups
150 Double Unders
25 Strict Handstand Push Ups