Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT



2-3 Sets:

Toes elevated DB RDL @11×1 x 8-10 (Place 10# plates under toes)

Prone on Bench Barbell Row x 5 (Build to moderate 5)

Double KB/DB Bent over Pendlay Row x 10

Supine on Ground (laying on back) band pull a parts 20 (10 Pronated/10 supinated)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 14 Minutes

10 Sit Ups

20 Seconds Plank Hold on Medball (Forearms)

10 Pull Ups (Scale to a number you can perform at least the first 2 sets UB)

40 yard Farmers Carry (20/20)


3 Position Snatch

4 Sets:

3 Position Power Snatch x 1 (RPE 6-7)

Snatch Pull

3×5 @ 95, 100, 105%


2-3 Sets:

Barbell RDL x 5 @60-70 of BS

Prone on Bench Barbell Row x 5 (Build to moderate 5)

Double KB/DB Bent over Pendlay Row x 10

Wt. Strict Pull Ups x 4

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 14 Minutes:

5 Toe to Bar

6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

7 Pull Ups

40 yard farmers carry 70/55 (20/20)