Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Warm Up:

3 Sets:

  • Overhead Backwards MB Toss x 4
  • Hollow and Arch Swings on Pull Up Bar x 4-6


5 Sets: (EMOM)

  • Hang Power Clean + Power Clean


A) AMRAP in 4 Minutes:

  • 1 Clean (power or full)
  • 1 Pull Up
  • 2 Cleans
  • 2 Pull Up
  • 3 Cleans
  • 3 Pull Up
  • 4 Cleans
  • 4 Pull Up. . . and so on up the ladder

Rest exactly 6 minutes, and at 10 Minute mark complete:

B) AMRAP in 12 minutes:

  • 200m Run
  • 15 Hand to Hand KB Swings
  • 30 Double Unders
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:

3 Sets:

  • Overhead Backwards MB Toss x 4
  • Standing Broad Jump x 4
  • Hollow and Arch Swings on Pull Up Bar x 4-6



A) AMRAP in 4 Minutes:

  • 1 Clean (power or full)
  • 1 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 2 Cleans
  • 2 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 3 Cleans
  • 3 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 4 Cleans
  • 4 Chest to Bar Pull Up. . . and so on up the ladder

Men = 185 lbs, Women = 125 lbs.

Rest exactly 6 minutes, and at the 10 Minute mark complete:

B) AMRAP in 4 Minutes:

  • 1 Clean (power or full)
  • 1 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 2 Cleans
  • 2 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 3 Cleans
  • 3 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 4 Cleans
  • 4 Chest to Bar Pull Up. . . and so on up the ladder

Men = 135 lbs, Women = 95 lbs.

Rest exactly 6 minutes, and at 20 Minute mark complete:

C) AMRAP in 12 minutes:

  • 200m Run
  • 25 Hand to Hand KB Swings 55/35
  • 50 Double Unders


Warm Up:

3 Sets:

  • Overhead Backwards MB Toss x 4
  • Standing Broad Jump x 4
  • Hollow and Arch Swings on Rings x 4-6


5 Sets: (EMOM)

  • High Hang Snatch High Pull + High Hang Snatch


A) AMRAP in 4 Minutes:

  • 1 Clean (power or full)
  • 1 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 2 Cleans
  • 2 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 3 Cleans
  • 3 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 4 Cleans
  • 4 Chest to Bar Pull Up. . . and so on up the ladder

Men = 205 lbs, Women = 135 lbs.

Rest exactly 6 minutes, and at the 10 Minute mark complete:

B) AMRAP in 4 Minutes:

  • 1 Clean (power or full)
  • 1 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 2 Cleans
  • 2 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 3 Cleans
  • 3 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 4 Cleans
  • 4 Chest to Bar Pull Up. . . and so on up the ladder

Men = 155 lbs, Women = 105 lbs.

Rest exactly 6 minutes, and at 20 Minute mark complete:

C) AMRAP in 12 minutes:

  • 20m Run
  • 25 Hand to Hand KB Swings 70/55
  • 50 Double Unders
  • 10 Minutes Mobility