Tuesday 140107


Warm up:3 Rds NFT:

  • Dips x 5-10
  • Nose to Wall Handstand/Waiter/Plank Hold x 30-45 Seconds
  • Four Square Jump x 6-8



6 sets of (total of 24 minutes):

  • 45 seconds of KB Swing
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds of Seated DB Shoulder Press
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • 45 seconds of Double Unders
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds of Push Up
  • Rest 30 seconds

*At the top of each minute, for 24 minutes, you will rotate stations and try to accumulate as many reps as possible of each movement.

  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:3 Rds NFT:

  • Dips x 5-10
  • Nose to Wall Handstand/Waiter/Plank Hold x 30-45 Seconds
  • Four Square Jump x 6-8



6 sets of (total of 24 minutes):

  • 45 seconds of KB Swing
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups/Seated DB Shoulder Press
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • 45 seconds of Double Unders
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds of Push Up
  • Rest 30 seconds

*At the top of each minute, for 24 minutes, you will rotate stations and try to accumulate as many reps as possible of each movement.

DO NOT PACE YOURSELF…go hard every work period.

30 Wall ball shots
30 Pull-ups
30 Push Press [75/55]
30 Burpees – See more at: http://www.crossfitdistinction.com/#sthash.OgS9Mn7X.dpuf
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • Ring Muscle-Ups x 3-8
  • Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 45-60 seconds
  • Double-Unders x 40-50


A) 10 Sets:(EMOM)

  • Snatch with 3 second hold x 1 rep @ 75%

*Perform a snatch focusing on perfect speed and mechanics, receive at the bottom of your overhead squat and hold their for 3 full seconds before standing up with the load.


8 sets of (total of 32 minutes):

  • 45 seconds of Rowing (for max meters)
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups/Seated DB Shoulder Press
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • 45 seconds of 24″/20″ Box Jump-Overs
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds of Ring Dips
  • Rest 30 seconds

*At the top of each minute, for 32 minutes, you will rotate stations and try to accumulate as many reps or meters as possible of each movement.
If you don’t have strict handstand push-ups, perform seated DB Shoulder Press

Note scores by movement…e.g., Rowing – 245/248/241/etc…

DO NOT PACE YOURSELF…go hard every work period.

  • 10 Minutes Mobility

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