Click Here and check out a great article written by our own Christina Mulholland, about hip mobility on the Rage Fitness Blog.
Strength/Skill: |
Warm Up:
Strength: 6 Sets:
Skill: |
WOD: |
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
Additional: |
Strength/Skill: | |
Warm Up:
Strength: 6 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)
Skill: |
WOD: | |
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
30 Wall ball shots
30 Pull-ups 30 Push Press [75/55] 30 Burpees – See more at: |
Additional: | |
Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
Strength: A) 6 Sets:
Skill: |
WOD: |
A) EMOM For 6 Minutes:
Rest 1 Minute Then: B) EMOM For 6 Minutes:
Rest 1 Minute Then: C) EMOM For 12 Minutes:
Additional: |
3 Sets: