Tuesday 130416

So apparently the severe storm we were supposed to get last week decided to come this week.  Therefore as of right now classes are still all on, however please check the website before coming to class.  We will make sure to announce any changes to the schedule with plenty of time.  We normally always adhere to the district 12 school cancellation schedule so that’s a good stand by, do to last weeks school cancellation with no snow please make sure to check the website.  Stay warm, drive safe and thanks a ton to whom ever cleaned the snow off our car as well.  One more reason why we love all of you!!!

Warm up:3 Rds:

  • Muscle Clean x 5
  • Wall Ball x 10-12
  • Sit Ups x 10-12
  • Lateral Jump Over Bar x 8




Steph’s B-Day WOD:
For Time:

  • 10-1 Front Squat 170/115
  • 10-100 Double Unders
  • Mobility

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