Tuesday 130312

“As a fundamental movement, the squat is a building block to every other movement in Functional Fitness. Do this well and everything else you do will fall into place. Do this poorly and everything else is going to be a little challenging for you.”

– Pat Sherwood

Warm up:

3 Sets NFT:

  • Step Up to Rebounding Tuck Jump x 5
  • Overhead Squat x 5
  • Thruster x 5


  • 3×2 Overhead Squat
  • 3×2 Front Squat
  • 3×2 High Bar Back Squat

*Goal is to increase the weight each SET.  Perform all 3 set of Overhead squat while increasing the weight every set.  Then perform 3 sets of Front Squats while increasing every set, and finally perform the last 3 sets of High Bar Back Squat while increasing weight each set.


4 Rds For Time:

  • 5 Power Clean
  • 5 Front Squat
  • 5 Push Jerk
  • 10 Box Jumps
  • Mobility

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