Tuesday 101221


  • 6 x 200 Meter Run Rest 2 minutes between


  • Death By Thrusters 75#/55#

* First minute perform 1 thruster, second mintue perform 2 thruster, third minute perform 3 thrusters.  Continue this as long as you’re able to perform the given amount reps within the minute.  Regardless of how many rounds you’re able to complete, you must work for at least 10 minutes.

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9 Responses
  1. Signer

    Hands torn pretty bad from last night!

    Was going to come to the nooner today b/c I have to work tonight and just saw there are no longer noon classes.

    Bummer! Guess I’ll be cranking out burpees at home tonight!

    See ya tomorrow.

  2. Devin

    This should be called “your going to do so many thrusters and not be able to walk the rest of the day”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!