Back Squat: Working off of 90% of your 1 RM (rep max)
- 6 @ 75%
- 6 @80%
- 5 @ 85%
- 4+ @ 90%
12 Min AMRAP of:
- 1 min jump rope(single jumps)
- 1 min of medicine ball clean
Score will be total # of med ball cleans completed in 12 min

Coaches Thoughts: Today we combined a little strength and skill with back squats and med ball cleans. Great job to everyone who joined in on the fun today, welcome to Anna who is joining us from Arizona. During the strength portion of the WOD we had several athletes hitting weights they’ve never done before. Julie K, and Pat G both did a great job achieving full depth and had good speed coming out of the hole. During the WOD there was a great deal of technique and form being worked on. This WOD was a little different from our normal programing. We wanted to use today as a good teaching and high volume day on the clean. The med ball clean when performed correctly is a great exercise to use in teaching yourselves the proper way to extend your hips, shrug and drive under the weight. Karman G did an exceptional job achieving both great technique and speed, in addition she did a great job during the strength portion as well.