For time 21-15-9 of:
- Thruster #95 men #65 Women
- Pull ups
When Finished Extra Credit
3 Rds no time component
- 25 Hip Extensions
- 15 Knee to Elbows
This WOD is one of the staple WODs for Functional Fitness. First and foremost make sure each rep counts, thrusters have to be full squat and full extension overhead and chin has to clear the bar with every pull up. Dig deep and focus especially when the reps and breathing become a challenge. Attack this WOD with everything that you have, however if you need to take a step back gather your breath, thoughts and keep working. Aaron you’ve been waiting for it and here it is. You know what to expect, attack it and get under that 8 min mark.
Thanks to Jolene and Miss Lite for coming in and joining in on some of the fun today.
4 Rds 30 seconds ea exercise add total reps each round:
Wall Ball
KB Swing
Jumping Pull up
Push up
Jolene Rd 1: 55 Rd 2: 43 Rd 3: 43 Rd 4: 39 Total: 180
Nice work today Jolene on your first ever WOD. Courtney and I can’t wait to see where things go for you and Jake, both of you work your tails off and the sky is the only limit for you both.
Three rounds, 21-15-9 reps, for time of:
75 pound Thruster
Time: 5:28 (PR by 4:38)
Then, 3 rounds (un-timed): 25 hip extensions and 25 K2E (oops, thought it was 25 K2E)
Feel good about the PR. Last time, did 9 rounds of 5…21-15-9 this time. All thrusters unbroken (lungs were screaming to break them up, but my mind won that battle). First 12 PUs felt great…was flying, but started falling apart from there. Lost a decent amount of time dropping from the bar, gasping for air, and resetting on the bar.
Nice work Aaron. Thanks for the comments. You gotta get Susan and Carmen to put their results up too!
Alright…Here’s my Fran!
“Fran” (scaled)
45# Thrusters
Pull ups (strict)
TIME = ~ 8:00
I lost my stopwatch so I had to use the clock on the wall that doesn’t have a second hand. Last time I did Fran (which was my first time) was January 9th. Then I did 9 rounds of 5 with 35# thrusters and gravitron-assisted pullups (with I think 60# of assistance). This time I did less reps, but did strict pullups. That’s what kept my time down. After a while, my muscles just won’t let me do more than one pullup at a time!
Awesome work girl! You are a stud
Are you guys going to have any hours open tomorrow to do the WOD?
Great job Aaron, man I’m so proud of you. You said you were going to do it and you did. However, you said your goal was sub 8 minutes, you definitely did that. Yeah I will be there the majority of the day, so if you want hit me up so we can get you going. Great work!!!.