Thursday, October 5, 2017

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Warm-up (No Measure)



Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:

75/60 Calorie Row

In Remaining Time AMRAP:

3 KB Swings

3 Toe to Bar

6 KB Swing

6 Toe To Bar

9 Toe to Bar

9 KB Swings



Task specific training: Handstand walking

Go through the following exercises. Rest as needed during and between the different exercises. Form not fatigue focus.

Levels of participation in exercises abbreviated as:

BN = Beginner/Novice

A = advanced

E = Elite

All = Everyone

Handstand weight transfer stability

(All) 20 Lunge up to handstand weight transfer 1/4 (

(All) 15 Lunge up to handstand weight transfer 1/2 (

(All) 10 Lunge up to handstand weight transfer 3/4 (

(All) 5x Lunge to handstand Weight Transfers (

Handstand weight shifting

(All) 1) 50 Handstand Weight Shifts: box straight leg pike (

(All) 2) 40 Handstand Weight Shifts: facing wall (

(All) 3) 30 Handstand Weight Shifts: perpendicular to wall (

(A,E) 4) 20 Handstand Weight Shifts: Free (

(E) 5) 10 Handstand shoulder taps free (

Redirection and rolling

(All) 1) 10 Front roll (

(All) 2) 8 Handstand roll outs (

(All) 3) 10 Handstand Pirouette 180 (

(A,E) 4) 6 Handstand Pirouette 360 (

(E) 5) 2 Handstand Pirouette 720 (

** Use a matt for rolling. Use a spotter if available as needed.

Handstand walking form – control focus

(BN) Repeat 6x: Form focus handstand walk hollow feet and knees together: short repeat walks ( Use thin material object between feet and ankles. Walk 5 feet or as many steps as you can staying hollow without the wrist bands falling out. USE A SPOTTER IF NEEDED AND AVAILABLE.

(A) Repeat 6x: Form focus handstand walk hollow