Thursday, November 30, 2017

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets:

Ring W’s x 10

Hip Extension with 2 Second Hold at top x 10-12

Seal Walk x 10 yards

3 Squats, 2 Push Ups, 1 Broad Jump x 20 yards



Metcon (Time)

For Time:

1000m Row

50 Wall Ball

30 Burpee


45 minutes rotate through the following exercises with form not fatigue focus

– 5x HEADstand 10s:Rest 10s

– 1-2 attempts max effort free handstand hold – can only move within a 3’x3’ box

– 3-6x in a row (depending on your skill level): Kipping pull up progression drill (Arch hollow -> lever pull -> pull down-pull in)

– Practice 5-10 of each:

Deep arching, deep breathing, straight leg TTB

Bent knee fast, shallow arch TTB

Hybrid TTB (straighten legs on way down to deeper arch but bend on way up)

– 10 low amplitude ring swings with false grip

– 2 sets 2 strict muscle ups -> 2 swinging muscle ups

* scale with 6 jumping muscle ups

– Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent back swing press out – press out every 3rd back swing

2-5x depending on skill level (so 2x = 6 swings with 2 press outs and 5x = 15 swings with 5 press outs)


Well rounded skill session for floor, bar and ring skill. Over the last cycle we were using foundations to build specific skill. Now we are spreading out these same foundation elements in each session so you are encountering them more regularly. The exercises are chosen based on training attributes that translate to specific crossfit skills… but you don’t need to worry about that… that’s nick’s job. You guys just wax on and wax off and get ready to kick some ass.