Thursday, November 2, 2017

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT



Warm-up (No Measure)

Dynamic Warm Up


Metcon (Distance)

In a Team of 3 Perform AMRAP For Distance in 15 Minutes

Station 1 = 300/250m Row

Station 2 = 1 Rd

10 KB Swings

10 yard plank lid seal walk

Station 3 = Rest

*Each Person will start at a station, athletes will rotate through once both athletes are finished with stations 1&2


Hold-A-Thon 3: The Pain Returneth

All exercises Hold 5sec: rest 5sec for time indicated

Ring support 90s (

Rest 30s

False grip top of pull up hold rings 90s (

Rest 30s

Handstand perpendicular to wall 120s (

Rest 30s

Prone arch (superman) 120s (

Rest 30s

Ring bottom of dip 90s (

Rest 2 min

Ring support IN TUCK POSITION 45s

Rest 30s

False grip top of pull up hold rings IN L POSITION 90s

Rest 30s

Handstand perpendicular to wall 60s

Rest 30s

Arch hang bar 60s

Rest 30s

Ring bottom of dip IN L POSITION 45s

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