Thursday 130411

Warm up:

3 Rds:

  • :15 Jumping Jack
  • :15 Squat
  • :15 Mountain Climbers
  • :15 Jump Squats

3 Rds

  • :15 Sec Plank
  • :15 Sec Superman
  • :15 Sec Side Plank RT
  • :15 Sec Side Plank LT


  • Bench Press 10-8-6-4-AMRAP @ Wt. Used for 10 Reps


For Time:

  • 2-20 Slam Balls
  • 2-20 Sit Ups
  • 2-20 Wt. Alt. DB Step Up 40/30 (each step counts a 1 rep)

*Rd 1 perform 2 slam balls, 2 sit ups, 2 step ups, Rd 2 perform 4 slam balls, 4 sit ups, 4 step ups.  Continue this pattern until you finish with 20 slam balls, 20 sit ups and 20 step ups.

  • 10 Minutes Mobility

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