The 2014 Functional Fitness Games Competition Season officially begins this week. For the next 5 weeks starting February 27th and ending March 31st, Functional Fitness HQ will be releasing workouts in which athletes from our region and across the World will compete in. Last year we had several athletes use the Open as their first chance to try the competitive side of Functional Fitness. Every Surge athlete should sign up, last year there were some amazing performances. Besides there is no better way to get your competitive legs then by performing and competing in your own gym in front of all your friends and family. Registration cost is $20, Surge Elite Performance & Fitness is signed up as a Team. Therefore follow the instructions on the Functional Fitness Games page go register and sign up under our team. Don’t talk yourself out of it, each year has been a blast and this year won’t be any different. We’re going to perform the WOD’s each week anyway so you might as well sign up and give yourself that extra little motivation.