Saturday, November 4, 2017

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT



Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Complete For Time:

100 Wall Balls

150 Double Unders

100 KB Swings

100 Sit Ups

100 Push Ups

100 Sit Ups

100 KB Swings

150 Double Unders

100 Wall Balls

Competition Metcon

Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Complete For Time:

100 Wall Balls

200 Double Unders

100 Hang Clean 155/105

100 Toe to Bar

100 Statonary Dips

100 Toe to Bar

100 Hang Power Clean

200 Double Unders

100 Wall Balls

A: Push/Pull

3 Sets:

Tempo Incline DB Press x 6 (6 Seconds Eccentric, build to AHAP)

Tempo Prone DB Row x 6-8

(6 Seconds Eccentric, laying flat on Bench build to AHAP)

B: Push/Pull Part 2

1 Set For Time:

50 Reps @ 60% of Heaviest weight of A


2 Sets:

Max Rep Diamond Push Ups

Max Rep Supinated Grip Inverted Barbell Row (Bar on rack, chest to bar)

Iso GHD Sit Up Hold PVC Paddles x 30-45 Seconds

Iso GHD Hip Extension Hold Knee Taps x Max Reps x 30-45 Seconds

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