Saturday, November 24, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

6 Thrusters 105/80

6 Pull Ups

6 Bar Facing Burpee

*Partner Alternate full rounds


With a Partner Perform:

A) AMRAP in 3:30

P1 = 10 Banded Biceps Curls

P2 = 5 DB Alternated Hammer + Supinated Biceps Curls (1/1 = 1 rep)

Partners switch after complete given movement

Rest 90 Seconds

B) AMRAP in 3:30

P1 = 10 Banded Tricep Push Downs

P2 = 8-10 Laying DB Rolling Tricep Extensions


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

6 Thrusters 135/95

6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

6 Bar Facing Burpee

*Partners alternate full rounds

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

6 Thrusters 135/95

6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

6 Bar Facing Burpee

*Partners alternate full rounds


20-30 Strict Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups @20×1

30-40 Strict Ring Dips @21×1

40-50 2″ off Ground Push Ups @21×1

*Every time you break or transition perform 5 iso dynamic db front raises each + 5 db hammer curl to L-Raise to eccentric lateral raise


3 Sets:

Barbell on Back Wt. Hip Extension x 8-10

Knee on Bench Single Leg DB RDL x 6-8 each

Hand Anchored Single Arm Bent Over Row x 20 each

Core Strength

Perform the following. Rest 15 sec between sets.

1. 2x30s hollow body holds

2. 2x30s superman holds

3. 2x30s front scale (each leg)

4. 2x30s side scale (each leg)

5. 2x30s v-sit drill (high)

6. 2x30s v-sit drill (low)

7. 2x30s Ring support tuck sit

8. 2×10 hollow extensions on rings

9. 2×10 v-ups (scaled=sit ups)