Saturday, November 10, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 14 Minutes

6 DB Power Clean

2, 4, 6, 8, 10… etc. Push Ups

8 Toe to Bar

*Partners alternate movement, both partners perform the given number of push ups before adding additional reps. For example rd 1 = P1 6 power cleans, p2 2 push ups, p1 8 T2B, rd 2 = p2 6 power cleans, p1 2 push ups, p2 8 toe to bar. Scale appropriately, if you need to increase in singles do so.

*If one or both partners gets to a point where the push up are not happening partners can choose to distribute reps as they wish. Format and rotation stays the same.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform:

A) AMRAP in 3 Minutes

8 Barbell Curl (Partner hold Plate “Gun Show” hold)

B) AMRAP in 3 Minutes

12 Banded Triceps extension (Partner hold plank in push up position)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 14 Minutes:

6 DB Power Clean 50/35

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. Handstand Push Ups

4 Muscle Ups

*Partners alternate movement, both partners perform the given number of handstand push ups before adding additional reps. For example rd 1 = P1 6 power cleans, p2 2 hspu, p1 4 mu, rd 2 = p2 6 power cleans, p1 2 hspu, p2 4 mu

Unilateral Upper

Single Arm DB Bench @ 31×1 x 6-8 each

Single Arm Landmine Row @ 21×1 x 6-8 each

Single Arm Farmers Carry x 60 yards (AHAP)


3 Sets:

Barbell Hip Thrusts x 6-8

Reverse Hypers x 6-8

Toes Elevated DB RDL x 12-15 (place 10# plates under toes)

Bar Skills

Perform the following sequence 10 time: Focus on form not speed

2 Strict Pull Ups

2 Strict Toe to Bar

1 Tuck Lever

1 Pull to Invert

2 Kipping Pull Ups

2 Kipping Toe to Bar


Accumulate 10 Minutes Plank Hold (Perform 25 Sit ups every time you break)