Saturday, December 9, 2017

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Warm-up (No Measure)

Dynamic Warm Up


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

In a Team of 3 Perform AMRAP in 18 Minutes:

60 Bench Press

60 DB Squat Clean

90 Pull Ups


Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Perform For Time:

40 Bench Press 185/125

40 DB Squat Clean 65/45

80 Pull Ups

40 Bench Press 155/105

40 DB Squat Clean 55/40

60 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

40 Bench Press 135/95

40 DB Squat Clean 45/30

30 Bar Muscle Ups

A: Clean Pulls/Handstand Shoulder Taps

3 Sets:

Clean Pulls x 3 70,80,80%

HS Shoulder Taps x 8-15 each

B: Tempo Clean Deadlift/Uneven Overhead Barbell Carry

3 Sets:

Tempo Clean Deadlift @ 51×1 x 3 @ 80%

Uneven Barbell OH Carry x 60 yards each.


1 Set:

100 Barbell Curls (Every time you break perform 15-20 second hollow hold)

100 Triceps Skull Crushers (Every time you break perform 15-20 Iso Hip Extension hold)