Muscle: Monday, November 12, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Muscle


4 Sets:

Single Arm DB Bench @21×1 x 7-9 each

Rest 20 Seconds

45 Seconds Single Arm DB Bent Over Row (Right, use bench)

Rest 20 Seconds

45 Seconds Single Arm DB Bent Over Row (Left, use bench)

Rest 2 Minutes (During rest perform pec stretch on leg of rig x 45 seconds each, arm at 90 degrees rotate away from arm)

Metcon (No Measure)

3 Sets:

12 Single Arm DB Hang Muscle Snatch (AHAP, 6/6)

6 Tempo Stationary Dip @11×1 (Scale appropriately, reps should be a number you can perform UB)

12 Knee Raise (Knee Tucks) at top of Dip

6 Tempo Stationary Dip @11×1

50 Double Unders

Rest 90 Seconds

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

50 Slamballs

*EMOM including 0:00 perform 5 Burpee Pull Ups