Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Muscle
3 Sets:
3 Position Bench x 10 each (Wide Grip, Neutral, Close Grip)
Elbow on Knee DB External Rotations @1111 x 8-10 each
*For bench perform 10 reps with wide grip rack bar, move hand to neutral grip perform 10 reps rack then rack bar, perform 10 rep with close grip (hands directly over shoulders). Goal is to build to heaviest weight you can perform full set unbroken. Start @ 40-50% of 1RM)
3 Sets:
Prone on Bench DB Row Isometric hold at hip x 25-35 Seconds
Prone on Bench DB Row x 15-20
Prone on Bench DB Lateral Raise x 15-20
Metcon (Weight)
5 Sets:
Minute 1 = 45 Seconds Row For Distance
Minute 2 = 5 Dual KB Clean + 5 Dual KB Thrusters (Goal is to add a rep each round) 50/35
Minute 3 = 9-12 Sit Up + 3-8 Strict Pull Ups