Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Muscle
3 Sets:
3 Position Bench x 6-8 each (Wide Grip, Neutral, Close Grip)
Elbow on Knee DB External Rotations @1111 x 8-10 each
*For bench perform 6-8 reps with wide grip rack bar, move hand to neutral grip perform 6-8 reps rack then rack bar, perform 6-8 rep with close grip (hands directly over shoulders). Goal is to build to heaviest weight you can perform full set unbroken. Start @ 50-60% of 1RM)
3 Sets:
Prone on Bench DB Row Isometric hold at hip x 30-45 Seconds
Prone on Bench DB Row x 15-20
Prone on Bench DB Lateral Raise x 12-15
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets For Reps:
1 Minute KB Swing 70/55
1 Minute Burpee
1 Minute (Pull Ups, Dips, Push Ups)
Rest 2 Minutes
Rd 1 = Pull Ups
Rd 2 = Dips
Rd 3 = Push Ups