Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Muscle
Pressing Turkish Get Up Complex
3 sets:
Turkish get up pressing complex: (1 set = 10-20 total presses each arm)
2-4 single arm kb floor to half kneeling Turkish get up + 2-4 half kneeling single arm kb shoulder press to full turkish get up (standing) + 2-4 single arm kb shoulder press to half kneeling Turkish get up + 2-4 half kneeling single arm kb shoulder press to supine on back + 2-4 single arm kb floor press
Band Pull a Parts x 15-20
*Use a weight you can perform full sequence unbroken.
Metcon (6 Rounds for distance)
A) 3 Sets: (for load)
2-4 Wt. Strict Pull Up
4-8 Stict Pull Up
6-12 Inverted Barbell
90 Seconds Ski for Distance
Rest 2 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
B) 3 Sets:
8-10 Toe to Ring
10-14 Wt. Sit Up
12-16 Sit Up
90 Seconds Row For Distance
Rest 2 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
C) For Time
40 Double Push Up Burpee with jump to 6″ target