Monday, January 12, 2015


Warm Up:

  • High Hang muscle clean + Push Press
  • High Hang power clean + Push Press
  • High Hang full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Press
  • Hang above the knee muscle clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee power clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Jerk
  • Hang below the knee muscle clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee power clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Split Jerk



10 Sets: (Sets 1-6 Every 90 Seconds, Sets 7-10 Every 2 Minutes)

  • Clean & Jerk x 1


3 Rds For Time:

  • 10 Burpee
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 15 Goblet Squat 55/35
  • 15 Box Jump
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:

  • High Hang muscle clean + Push Press
  • High Hang power clean + Push Press
  • High Hang full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Press
  • Hang above the knee muscle clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee power clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Jerk
  • Hang below the knee muscle clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee power clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Split Jerk



10 Sets: (Sets 1-6 Every 90 Seconds, Sets 7-10 Every 2 Minutes)

Clean & Jerk x 1

  • Sets 1-2 – 65-75%
  • Sets 3-4 – 80-85%
  • Sets 5-6 – 85-90%
  • Sets 7-8 – 90-95%
  • Sets 9-10 – 95-105%+


April’s B-Day WOD:
3 Rds For Time:

  • 20 Burpee Pull Up
  • 20 Front Squat 155/95
  • 20 Box Jump
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


A) 5 Sets:

  • Low Hang Snatch (Just Below Knee) x 1

(Let feel dictate load.  Focus on mechanics and perfect form.  If technique isn’t solid don’t increase weight.)

B) 3 Sets:

  • Back Squat x 5 @ 80-85%


April’s B-Day WOD:
3 Rds For Time:
  • 20 Burpee Pull Up
  • 20 Front Squat 155/95
  • 20 Box Jump
  • 10 Minutes Mobility