So Proud of these Girls, Great job this weekend ladies!!!
Get the week started right!!!
Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
3 Sets:
Strength: 6 Sets: (EMOM)
Skill: |
WOD: |
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
Additional: |
Strength/Skill: | |
Warm up:
3 Sets:
Strength: 6 Sets: (EMOM)
Skill: |
WOD: | |
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
30 Wall ball shots
30 Pull-ups 30 Push Press [75/55] 30 Burpees – See more at: |
Additional: | |
Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
2 Sets NFT:
Strength: A) 8 Sets: (EMOM)
B) 6 sets:
C) 6 Sets: (EMOM)
Goal is to race through sets as quickly as possible, then rest the remainder of the minute. Skill: |
WOD: |
For time:
Additional: |