Monday 131216

ConquerCongrats to the team for their 10th place finish at Conquer Denver this weekend. It was a late and long weekend, but we came together as a team and all did things we didn’t know that we could. All of the hard work is paying off! Huge congrats to Trevor for having the fastest male time on the Chest to Bar/ Square jump WOD! Thanks also to Steph, Justin, Bobby, Josh, Josh, Tiff, Brit, Jack, and Juliet for making the long drive down to Castle Rock to cheer us on!

On a not so great note. Brandon and I left the competition to spend the next 4 hours at the ER. He was diagnosed with H1N1. So that being said  I( Court) will be coaching most of the classes and trying to take care of Brandon and Carsyn, so please watch the website in case there end up being a few cancelled classes. As of right now the 6:15 on Thursday will be but everything else is on for now. The gym has been cleaned and sanitized thanks to our awesome Surge family. PLEASE do your part to keep it that way!! Thank you t everyone for the help and offers of help and support!


Warm up:

  • Iron Shoulder Series

Strength: 4 sets

  • Supine Row- Focus on hollow position @ 2121 x 6-8 reps
  • Rest 30 sec
  • Unbroken KB Swing x 15-20 (heavy as possible)


For Time:

  • 10 Supine Row or Pull up (Pull ups if only using can be done with 1 small band)
  • 10 Square Jumps
  • 9 Supine Row/Pull up
  • 10 Square Jump
  • 8…7..6..5..4..3..2..1 with 10 Between each set
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

  • Iron Shoulder Series

Strength: 4 sets

  • Supine Row- Focus on hollow position @ 2121 x 6-8 reps
  • Rest 30 sec
  • Unbroken KB Swing x 15-20 (heavy as possible)


For Time:

  • 10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
  • 10 Square Jumps
  • 9 Chest to Bar Pull ups
  • 10 Square Jump
  • 8…7..6..5..4..3..2..1 with 10 Between each set
30 Wall ball shots
30 Pull-ups
30 Push Press [75/55]
30 Burpees – See more at:
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

  • Iron Shoulders Series


A) 3 Sets:

  • Front Squat x 2 @85-90% (Every 3 min)

B)Build quickly to 80-85% of your 1-RM Snatch, and then…

  • EMON 5 min  Snatch x 2 reps @ 80-85%
4 sets each for time:

  • 20 Pull-Ups
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
  • 40 Double-Unders

Rest 3 minutes

Optional/Additional AM/PM Session:

  • Take a long, thorough warm-up period…be ready to run your best effort.

Then For time:

  • Run 1600 Meters
  • 10 Minutes Mobility