Monday 131111

Happy Veterans Day to all those who have Served for Our Country, without you we wouldn’t be able to live your dream each day.  Thank You!!!


Warm Up:
3 Rds NFT:

  • Muscle Clean x 5
  • Front Squat x 5
  • Supine Row x 8-10
  • 100m Run



Veterans Day WOD:

3 Rds For Time:

  • 20-30 Squat Clean 55-75/25-45
  • 20-30 Pull Ups
  • 400-800m Run
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • Muscle Clean x 5
  • Front Squat x 5
  • Supine Row x 8-10
  • 100m Run



Veterans Day WOD:

 Mark Carter
In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq 11 December 2007.

3 Rds For Time:

  • 30 Squat Clean 95/65
  • 30 Pull Ups
  • 800m Run
30 Wall ball shots
30 Pull-ups
30 Push Press [75/55]
30 Burpees – See more at:
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • Wall Squat x 8-10
  • Supine Row x 8-10
  • Toe To Bar x 8-10


A) 6 Sets: (Every 3 Minutes)

Back Squat

  • Set 1 – 5 reps @ 75%
  • Set 2 – 3 reps @ 85%
  • Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
  • Sets 4-6 – 3 reps @ 90%


B)10 Sets:

Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes:

  • Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 75% (perform from just above the knee)

C) 3 Sets:

  • Snatch Deadlift x 3 reps @ 110% of 1-RM Snatch
  • Rest 45 seconds
  • Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 10-15 (if 15 reps is easy, use a deficit, and build it as high as necessary to make the rep range challenging for you)
  • Rest 45 seconds


3 Sets for Max Reps:

  • 30 seconds of Pull-Ups
  • 30 seconds of Rest
  • 30 seconds of Burpees (Open Standards)
  • 30 seconds of Rest
OPTIONAL A.M./Additional Session:
A) Easy 1-Mile Warm-Up Run

B) 4 Sets:

  • 240 Meter Sprints – progressively faster each set (80%, 85%, 90%, 95%)
  • (Perform these barefoot on a football field if possible. Starting at one goal post, run up and around the other goal post and back.)
  • Rest 3 minutes

C)2 sets:

  • Run 400 Meters @ 85-90%
  • Rest 3 minutes