Monday 121224

Reminder we are under Saturday/Holiday hours, meaning we only have two classes today 8:30 and 9:30 am.  Being that it’s Christmas Eve and today’s WOD is the “12 Day’s of Christmas” we’re going to add a little more spirit to the gym by wearing what ever X-Mas attire you have.  Any green, red or white will do, extra pts go to those who wear even their special X-Mas attire:).

Warm up:



“12 Days of Christmas”

For Time:

  • 1 Man Maker
  • 2 Ring Dips
  • 3 Box Jumps
  • 4 KB Swings
  • 5 Burpees
  • 6 DB Push Press
  • 7 Squat Jumps
  • 8 Knee to Elbow
  • 9 Wall Ball
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 11 Push Ups
  • 12 Goblet Squats

*This workout is performed just like the 12 Days of Christmas song.  Athletes will perform 1 man maker, then 1 man maker, 2 ring dips, then 1 man maker, 2 ring dips, 3 box jumps.  This sequence will continue until athletes finish with 12 goblet squats.

  • Mobility