Bench Press (Add 5 pounds to your 90% of 1 RM weight)
- 5 @ 75%
- 5 @ 80%
- 5+ @ 85%
Justin G’s B-Day WOD:
For Time
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
- 5 Handstand Push Ups
- 19 Wall Balls 20#/14#
- 30 Double Unders
- 80 Pull Ups
Coaches Thoughts:First an foremost we all want to say Happy 30th to Justin and second everyone else wants to say that we wish you were not born in 1980! There were a lot of great performances today. TimesĀ of the day went to Karmen and Susan who finished within 20 seconds of each other and yes boys they beat all of you! However Glendon and Seth did get the most rounds of the day with 6. We were so happy to have Seth and Jessie in from NM, they are the owners of Functional Fitness Caliente, and it was awesome to have them. Jake also brought his brother Joe in who is visiting from Minnesota. We had a busy 5 pm class with 14 people, it was hectic but fun! Good job everyone for staying on track! We should apologize that we didn’t post much the end of last week, but what it did remind us is that you are all watching the site! We even had people worried about us! Thanks guys and we promise to stay on track with the posts, and coaches thoughts!
Happy belated birthday Justin!
AMRAP = 4 rounds + 1 HSPU
Time = 5:43 (subbed 80 bent over barbell rows, 115#)
Happy bday Justin, good WOD today!
Happy b-day Justin! Sorry I missed it!
Court and Brandon I have a buddy that wants to come check out Surge tomorrow with me is that ok he does crossfit with Forest.
31 burpees done.
Happy Birthday Justin…. that WOD was a KILLER!!
Happy B-Day Justin. No walk in the park. 50 burps
Yes Devin go ahead and bring your buddy!
50 burpees done – 25 during the day, 10 done in warmup, and 15 done after the WOD.
50 done
100 done before the WOD tonight. Happy Birthday, Justin!
62 Burpees after WOD