Hangover Classic 2 WODs

 Video with detailed explanations are coming…they are uploading now. Stay tuned!

Rx’d WOD 1 Scaled
A) AMRAP in 4 Minutes
Guy 1 &  Girl 1
135/95 Squat Snatch 1 Box Jump 115/75 Power
24/20 2 Snatch 24/20
2 Box Jump
Rest 1 Minute/Change Weights
B) AMRAP in 4 Minutes 
Guy 2 & Girl 2
2 Front Squat
165/115 2 Pull Up 135/95
Chest to Bar 4 Front
4  Pull Up
Rest 1 Minute
C) AMRAP in 4 Minutes
Guy 1 & Girl 1
2 Front Squat
115/85 2 Pull Up 95/65
Chest to Bar 4 Front
4 Pull Up
1 Minute Rest
D) AMRAP in 4 Minutes
Guy 2 & Girl 2
1 Snatch/Power
95/65 1 Box Jump 85/60
30/24 2 Snatch 24/20
2 Box Jump

WOD 2:    Clean up your Jerk

Men will have one bar, women will have one bar. Each pair will have a rack as well. All team members will have 9 minutes as a team to find1 RM Jerk and then Clean.

Directly after the 9 minutes end, each team memeber will do the L-Drill for time as a team

WOD 3: Synchronized Wodding:


800m Run (As a team)
                           20/14 100 Wall Ball 2fer’s 20/12
100 Stick Jumps 70
                         85/20# Sit Up Pass 20# 85/10#
90 Stick Jump 60
70 Single Arm OH KB Lunges 55/35 35/20
80 Stick Jump 50
55 Pull Ups
70 Stick Jump 40
40 Burpee Plate Jump
60 Stick Jump 30
25 Handstand Push up 25 Hand Release Push up



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