Friday, November 3, 2017

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets:

PVC Pass Through x 10

KB/DB 1/2 Turkish Get Up to Kneeling Position x 3 Each

KB Single Arm Swing x 10 Each

KB/Single Arm High Pull x 5

KB/DB Kossask Squat x 5 Each

Essentials/Performance Strength

Behind the Neck Push Press/Jerk + Tempo Overhead Squat

4×3 @3211

Essentials/Performance Metcon

Metcon (Time)

For Time:


Overhead Squat


Rope Climb

Competition -Strength

A: Snatch

9 Sets:

Set 1= 2 @50%

Set 2 = 2 @60%

Set 3 = 2 @70%

Set 4 = 2 @80%

Set 5 = 2 @83%

Set 6 = 2 @87%

Set 7-9 = Build to today’s Single

B: Clean and Jerk

7 Sets:

Set 1= 2 @50%

Set 2 = 2 @60%

Set 3 = 2 @70%

Set 4 = 2 @80%

Set 5 = 2 @83%

Set 6 = 2 @85%

Set 7 = 1 @90%

C: Snatch Pulls

4×3 @95,100,105,105%

D: Behind the Neck Push Press/Jerk + Overhead Squat

4×3+3 (RPE 7-8)
Perform 2 behind the neck push press/jerk then 2 overhead squats