Friday, June 3, 2016

Congratulations to Tiffany and Glendon as they welcome their new baby boy to the world.  So happy for you guys!


Warm Up:2 Sets:

  • Serratus Wall Slides x 10
  • Lying Side Raise x 10 (Lie on a bench on your side.  One arm is on the ground, one is holding a light DB.   Lift the Dumbbell from a hanging position all the way overhead.  Keep the DB in line or slightly in front of your eyesight
  • Banded Face Pull x 15
  • Explosive Band Pull x 5 (5 as fast as possible at chest height)


3 Sets:

  • Incline Bench Press x 10
  • Strict Pull Ups x 8-10 (If unable to perform unassisted, add assistance)


AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

  • 10 DB Ground to Overhead 50/35
  • 10 Renegade Row (5/5)
  • 100m Plate Carry 45/25
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:2 Sets:

  • Serratus Wall Slides x 10
  • Lying Side Raise x 10 (Lie on a bench on your side.  One arm is on the ground, one is holding a light DB.   Lift the Dumbbell from a hanging position all the way overhead.  Keep the DB in line or slightly in front of your eyesight
  • Banded Face Pull x 15
  • Explosive Band Pull x 5 (5 as fast as possible at chest height)


A) 3 Sets:

  • 2 x 15-20 Incline Bench Press (leave 2 reps in the take first 2 sets and do max effort on 3rd set)
  • Strict Pull Ups x 10 (If unable to do 15 unassisted, add assistance)


AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

  • 10 DB Ground to Overhead 50/35
  • 10 Renegade Row (5/5)
  • 100m Plate Carry 45/25
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:2 Sets:

  • Serratus Wall Slides x 10
  • Lying Side Raise x 10 (Lie on a bench on your side.  One arm is on the ground, one is holding a light DB.   Lift the Dumbbell from a hanging position all the way overhead.  Keep the DB in line or slightly in front of your eyesight
  • Banded Face Pull x 15
  • Explosive Band Pull x 5 (5 as fast as possible at chest height)


A) 3 Sets:

  • 2 x 15-20 Incline Bench Press (leave 2 reps in the take first 2 sets and do max effort on 3rd set)
  • Shoulder Shocker x 10 ea.

B) 3 Sets:

  • Strict Pull Ups x 15 (If unable to do 15 unassisted, add assistance)
  • Behind Neck Shoulder Press x 15

C) 2 Sets:

  • Strict Ring Dips x 15  (If unable to do 15 unassisted, add assistance)
  • Supine Pull Ups x 15


2 Sets:

  • 4x400m Row @ 3K Pace (96% of 2K) with 30 seconds rest with 3 minutes @ 12k Pace (66% of 2K)

*1 set = Row 400m, rest 30 seconds, row 400m, rest 30 seconds, row 400m, rest 30 seconds, row 400m, row 3 minutes @ 12K pace

* To find your 3K, use your 2K time trail we found during testing.  For example if your 2K PR is 7:30 that’s a 1:52.5 500m pace.  1:52.5 /96% = 1:57 500m pace for your 3K.  For 12K 1:52.5 / 66% = 2:50.4 500m pace

  • 10 Minutes Mobility