Friday, December 7, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Pause Deadlift/Single Arm DB Shoulder Press

4 Sets:

2 Position Pause Deadlift x 4 (Pause at knee and mid thigh)

Single Arm DB Shoulder Press x 6-8 each

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:

20 DB Front Rack Lunge

50 ft Seal Walk

20 Wall Balls


Clean & Jerk

A) 3 Sets:

Hang Clean & Jerk (Above Knee) x 2

Set 1 = 70%

Set 2 = 75%

Set 3 = 80%

B) 3 Sets:

Hang Clean & Jerk (Below Knee) x 2

Set 4 = 75%

Set 5 = 80%

Set 6 = 85%

C) 3 Sets:

Clean & Jerk x 2

Set 7 = 80%

Set 8 = 85%

Set 9 = 90%


A) 3 Sets:

Hang Snatch (Above Knee) x 2

Set 1 = 70%

Set 2 = 75%

Set 3 = 80%

B) 3 Sets:

Hang Snatch (Below Knee) x 2

Set 4 = 75%

Set 5 = 80%

Set 6 = 85%

C) 3 Sets:

Snatch x 2

Set 7 = 80%

Set 8 = 85%

Set 9 = 90%

Deadlift /Eccentric Pull Ups

4 Sets:

Banded Block Deadlift x 4

*blocks should put bar at or around knees, Set pegs at number 38 on rack, use purple bands

Eccentric Strict Pull Up x 5 @5000

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:

20 DB Front Rack Lunges 50/35

50 Ft. Handstand Walk

20 Wall Balls