Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Metcon (Time)
With a Partner Perform For Time:
50/40 Calorie Row/Bike
50 Pull Ups
10 Rds (Total)
8 DB Power Clean 50/35
10 DB Lunge (5/5)
12 Feet Anchored Medball Sit Ups Tosses to Partner
50 Burpee Pull Ups
Metcon (Time)
With a Partner Perform For Time:
50/40 Calorie Row
50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Rds (Total) (Alternate Movements)
8 DB Power Clean 50/35
10 Single Arm DB Overhead Lunge (5/5) 70/50
12 GHD Sit Ups
50 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups
B) 3 Sets:
Unsupported Seated Shoulder Press @2111 x 5
Prone Incline Tempo Batwing Row @1118 x 3
Right Into:
Prone Incline Tempo Batwing Row @1111 x 6-8
Landmine Barbell Rotations x 6-8 each
C) 3 Sets:
Bent Over DB Lateral Raise @2111 x 8-10
Seated Banded Low Row @2011 x 15
1-1-2 DB Bench Press x 8-10 (Alternated from top single arm DB Bench RT then LT then both arms together = 1 rep)
3 Sets:
Incline DB Tate Press x 9-12-15
Prone Incline DB Supinated to Eccentric Hammer Curls x 9-12-15