Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
Strength: 3 Sets:(Every 2 Minutes)
3 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)
Skill: |
WOD: |
Benchmark Friday!!!
Choose from the list (Try to perform 3 of these tests, DO NOT TRY TO PERFORM ALL)
Additional: |
Strength/Skill: | |
Warm up:
Strength: 5 Sets: (Every 3 Minutes)
Skill: |
WOD: | |
Benchmark Friday!!!
Choose from the list (Try to perform 3 of the tests, DO NOT TRY TO PERFORM ALL)
30 Wall ball shots
30 Pull-ups 30 Push Press [75/55] 30 Burpees – See more at: |
Additional: | |
Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
Strength: A) Take 12 minutes to build to today’s heavy:
B) 4 Sets:(Every 2:30)
*Max reps sets terminate with any excessive pausing at the top of the lift. No more than 2 seconds at the top of the lift to breathe, brace and start descent for the next rep. Skill: |
WOD: |
A) 2 Sets:
AMRAP in 2 minutes:
*These must be sprint sessions. Do not pace – instead, learn how it feels to hit the throttle and hold nothing back…then rest 4 minutes and do it again. Rest to Recovery then Perform: B) For times:
Rest 3 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
Additional: |