Friday 111209

3 Sets:

  • Double Unders x 30-40
  • Rest 20 Seconds
  • Wall Climbs x 5
  • Rest 20 Seconds
  • Wall Balls (Heavy) x 15-20
  • Rest 1 minute
 “Tawney”5 Rds For Time:

  • 10 KB Swing 55/35
  • 15 Hand Release Push Ups
  • 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • Run 400 Meters

*25 Minute Cap

*I know we normally don’t post the Benchmark Friday WODs, but today’s WOD is especially dear to us and one of our Surge Family members.  Sgt. Ian Tawney was killed in Afghanistan on October of 2010. He is survived by his wife Ashley and beautiful daughter Claire.  Michael was good friends Ian and created this WOD in his honor.  Do him the honor as well by coming in and busting your tail on this WOD.

  • Mobility

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