Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

2 Sets:

Blackburns x 5

Prone Iso YTW Hold x 15-20 Seconds each

Banded Clamshells x 5 each

Banded Glute Bridge x 10

RKC Plank Hold x 45 Seconds

Overhead Squat @3111 x 10

B) 5 Sets:

3 Position Snatch + Overhead Squat

C) For Time:

250 ft. Plate/Sled Push (10x25ft.)

*EMOM including 0:00 Perform

7 DB Deadlifts 45/30

5 DB Hang Power Clean

3 DB Shoulder to Overhead

*If no sled perform 1200m row or 2400m Bike


Metcon (Distance)

2 Sets:

Blackburns x 5

Prone Iso YTW Hold x 15-20 Seconds each

Banded Clamshells x 5 each

Banded Glute Bridge x 10

RKC Plank Hold x 45 Seconds

Overhead Squat @3111 x 10

B) 3 Sets:

1 1/4 Bench Press x 2 (Build to today’s 2RM)

1 1 /4 Bulgarian Split Squat x 5 each

C) 3 Sets:

3 Position Prone Flat Bench Barbell Row (wide, normal, supinated Close grip) x 5 (Build to today’s 5RM)

Good Mornings x 6-8

D) 5-10 Minutes Gymnastics Skill of your choice. (Handstand walk/hold, obstacles, free standing, toe to bar cycle, muscle up transition etc…)

E) 1 Set:

8 Rds:

2 minutes easy Row/Ski

Walk 30 seconds Between Rounds

Rest 5 Minutes

8 Rds

2 Minutes Bike/Run

Walk 30 Seconds Between Rounds