Saturday, August 28, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 10 Minutes

5 Push Press (Heavish)

25 ft. Lid Seal Walk or 50 ft. Overhead Carry

100m Run

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 8 Minutes

28 Double Unders

14 DB Renegade Row (7/7)

7 Burpee

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 6 Minutes

6 Strict Pull Ups

4 Parallette/Bench Shoot Throughs or if this isn’t available perform 4 Dips + 4 Diamond Push Ups

*For A&B partners alternate movements. For C, both partners work at the same time. Once both partners are done with their given movement, partners which.

B) 2-3 Sets:

Zottsman Curls x 8-10

DB Tate Press x 8-15 (

Seated Leg Raise Over DB x 20 (

Seated Russian Twist x 20