Friday, September 17, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

2 Sets:

Banded TKE x 15 each

Banded Face Pulls x 15

Reverse Plank Bridges x 6-10

Hand to Hand Russian KB Swings x 10

Wall Balls for height x 6-8

Alternating Reverse V-Up + Reverse Knee to Elbow x 10

For Time:

5 Rds

5 Deadlift 185/125

50 ft. Handstand Walk or 20 Seconds Handstand Hold or Seal Lid Walk

5 Toe to Bar


4 Rds

4 Deadlift 225/155

50 ft. Handstand Walk or 20 Seconds Handstand Hold or Seal Lid Walk

4 Toe to Bar


3 Rds

3 Deadlift 275/185

50 ft. Handstand Walk or 20 Seconds Handstand Hold or Seal Lid Walk

3 Toe to Bar


Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Banded TKE x 15 each

Banded Face Pulls x 15

Reverse Plank Bridges x 6-10

Hand to Hand Russian KB Swings x 10

Wall Balls for height x 6-8

Alternating Reverse V-Up + Reverse Knee to Elbow x 10

B) 4 Sets:

Split/Push Jerk x 2RM (Build to today’s 2RM)

1 Set:

Split/Push Jerk x 2 @90% of today’s 2RM

C) 4 Sets:

Front Squat x 2 (Build quick to today’s 2RM)

1 Set:

Front Squat x 2 @90% of today’s 2RM)

D) For Time:

6 Rds

6 Deadlift 225/155

25 ft. Handstand Walk

6 Toe to Bar


5 Rds

5 Deadlift 275/185

25 ft. Handstand Walk

5 Toe to Bar


4 Rds

4 Deadlift 315/205

25 ft. Handstand Walk

4 Toe to Bar