Starting Tuesday the 2011 Functional Fitness Games officially begins. Therefore if you haven’t taken the time to register DO IT! This is going to be a great chance for everyone to participate in a fun competitive event. The “Open” is going to last for 6 weeks and consists of 1 workout each week, which will be announced every Tuesday at 5 pm. Athletes will be allowed to perform the workouts several times, so long as they submit there performance to Functional Fitness HQ by Sunday at 5 pm. Now there are several ways athletes can choose to compete in the Open. They can perform the workout of the week by video taping there performance and submitting it, or athletes can perform the WOD at a registered affiliate and the affiliate will validate the athletes performance after they submit their times.
We are planning on opting in each week and allowing athletes to compete and perform the WOD. Therefore for the next 6 weeks we are going to be holding Friday Night Comp Night. Which will allow all of the athletes to compete in a friendly and exciting enviornment. However, we are going to need some help in order to conduct these WODs each week. For those of you who haven’t had the chance to participate in a Functional Fitness event or haven’t witnessed the games, the standards are much more strict then our general class setting. Judges is going to be the biggest issue, so we are going to need volunteers and other athletes to help judge. If you’re able to help judge please click here and watch this video for HQ explaining the guidelines for being a judge. In addition we’re going to be postponing the grocery store visit this Thursday and instead we’ll be having a manditory meeting for all athletes and volunteers.
First and foremost if you haven’t signed up do so asap, go to and register. In addition sign up under Team Surge Elite Performance & Fitness. This is going to be a great event, it’s world wide and will allow you to compete and test your fitness against athletes across the world. Please let us know if you have any questions. SIGN UP!!!!
Hilarious video from HQ!!! Loved the segment when the third party broke up the fight between the judge and athlete.
Can’t wait…this is going to be a blast. Happy to help out in any way needed.
The video was too funny!!
I’m happy to help out with whatever you guys need – just let me know!!