Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Metcon (Time)
A) 2 Sets:
Banded YTW + Snow Angels x 5 each (
Banded Lateral Steps x 10
Scapular Pull Ups x 5
Banded Good Mornings x 10
Supine Ring Row x 5-10
Russian KB Swing x 10
Overhead Medball Slam x 5
B) For Time:
1500m/1200K Row
5 Rds
15 Pull Ups
5-4-3-2-1 Power Clean or Deadlift
*Choose weight, goal is to build each round.
C) If time permits
2 Sets:
20 Shoulders Elevated Banded Hip Thrusts @2112
15 Single Arm Bent Over DB Row @2111 Each
20-30 Seconds Side Plank Each
Metcon (Time)
A) 2 Sets:
Banded YTW + Snow Angels x 5 each (
Banded Lateral Steps x 10
Scapular Pull Ups x 5
Banded Good Mornings x 10
Supine Ring Row x 5-10
Russian KB Swing x 10
Overhead Medball Slam x 5
B) For Time:
1500m/1200K Row
5 Rds
15 Pull Ups
5-4-3-2-1 Power Clean
*Start @ 70-75% and build each set.
C) 2 Sets:
20 Shoulders Elevated Banded Hip Thrusts @2112
15 Single Arm Bent Over DB Row @2111 Each
1 Minute Side Plank Each
15 Banded DB Triple Threat (Light)
20 Cossack Squat (10/10)