Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

A) 2 Sets:

Blackburns x 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Uq2vh6azc)

Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each

Banded Triple Threat x 5

Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs x 10

Side Plank Reach Throughs @3131 x 5 each


2 Sets:

10 Hip Extensions or Good Mornings

10 Banded Glute Bridge

10 Step Back Lunges Each

B) 6 Sets: Alternating Tabata 20 Seconds on / 10 seconds Rest

20 seconds Pull Ups or Banded Pull Downs

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds DB Bench Press 50/35

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds Toe to Bar/Ring/Knee Raise

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds Wall Balls

Rest 10 Seconds

Rest 3 Minutes

6 Sets:

Alternating Tabata

20 seconds Supine Ring Row

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds Push Ups

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds Sit Ups

Rest 10 seconds

20 seconds Air Squats

Rest 10 Seconds


Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

A) 3 Sets:

Blackburns x 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Uq2vh6azc)

Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each

Banded Triple Threat x 5

Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs x 10

Side Plank Reach Throughs @3131 x 5 each


3 Sets:

15 Hip Extensions or Good Mornings

15 Banded Glute Bridge

15 Front Foot Elevated Step Back Lunges Each

B) Task Specific Tabata

300 Reps For Time:

20 seconds Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds Push Ups

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds Sit Ups

Rest 10 Seconds

20 seconds Air Squat

Rest 10 Seconds

Rest 5 Minutes

Double Task Specific Tabata

200 Reps For Time:

Alternating Tabata

40 seconds Strict Pull Ups

Rest 20 Seconds

40 seconds DB Bench Press 50/35

Rest 20 Seconds

40 seconds Toes to Bar

Rest 20 seconds

40 seconds Wall Balls

Rest 20 Seconds