Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

2 Sets:

Turkish Get Ups x 3 each

Band Pull a Parts x 15

Side Plank x 20-30 Seconds

B) 3 Sets For Time:

500/400m Row or 400m Run or 40/30 Calorie Bike

15 Pull Ups

Barbell Thrusters*

Rest 5 minutes

*Set 1: 20 reps @ 115-35/75-95

*Set 2: 30 reps @ 75-95/45-65

*Set 3: 50 reps @ 25-45/15-35


Metcon (Time)

2 Sets:

Turkish Get Ups x 3 each

Band Pull a Parts x 15

Side Plank x 20-30 Seconds

B) 6 Sets:

Jerk x 6-8

Rest as needed

Sets 1-2 @ 40% of 1 RM Jerk

(3 second pause in dip, 3 second pause in receiving)

Sets 3-4 @ 50% of 1 RM Jerk

(1 second pause in dip, 2 second pause in receiving)

Set 5-6 @ 60% of 1 RM Jerk

(1 second pause in receiving)

*Dial in that perfect footwork and solid overhead receiving position.

C) 3 Sets:

DB Strict Press x Max Reps

Right Into:

DB Push Press x Max Reps

Right Into:

Strict Supinated Grip Pull-Ups x Max Reps

Rest 90 seconds

*Choose DB weights that will allow you 5-6 strict presses, and aim for true maximal effort in number of reps you can achieve.

2-3 Sets:

Tempo Supinated Grip Bent Over Row @ 5111 x 8

Seated Banded Low Row x 30

PVC Banded Triple Threat @1111 x 8-10

3 Sets For Time:

400m Run or 40/30 Calorie Bike

12 Ring Muscle Ups

Barbell Thrusters*

Rest 5 minutes

*Set 1: 20 reps @ 135/95

*Set 2: 30 reps @ 95/65

*Set 3: 50 reps @ 45/35