Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle

Metcon (No Measure)

A1) In 6 Sets:

• Build to today’s Heavy 3-5 RM of Partial Barbell Bench Variation

*Variations of floor press, Board/Foam Roller Press, and Rack Lockouts

A2) 1 Set:

After you complete your heaviest set. Drop weight 10% and perform an AMRAP at this weight.

B1) 3 Sets:

Alternating DB Arnold Press x 8-10 each

B2) 1 Set:

Drop to 70% of heaviest weight used in B1 x 50

C1) 3 Sets:

Prone Plate or DB Row Iso Hold x 40-60 Seconds

*Lay face down on a flat bench and perform iso row hold

C2) 3 Sets:

Prone DB Row or Horizontal Row Variation x 15-20

C3) 3 Sets:

DB Bent Over Lateral Raises x 15-20

D) 1 Sets:

Triceps Pushdown or Extension Variation x 100-150

*Perform Set non-stop with a rest-pause protocol, only resting 15-20 seconds when needed