Saturday, March 13, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Perform For Time:

300 ft. Sled/Plate Push (25ft x 12)

50 Toe to Bar/Ring

200 ft. DB Walking Lunge 40/25 (25 ft. x 8)

50 Toe to Bar

100 Deadlift 185/125


Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Perform For Time:

300 ft. Sled/Plate Push 25 ft. x 12 Moderate load)

50 Toe to Bar

200 ft. DB Walking Lunge 50/35 (25 ft. x 8)

50 Toe to Bar

100 Deadlift 225/155

B) 3 Sets:

Wt. Strict Pull Up x 7-5-3

Sumo Stance RDL @3111 x 6

B) 2 Sets:

Prone Incline Batwing Row x 8

Nordic Drop x 5-7

C) 2 Sets:

Rope KB Curl x Max Reps (Use weight that will allow for 10-15 reps)

Drop Weight Into

Rope KB Curl x Max Reps (Use lighter weight that will allow for 8-12 reps)

Single Leg Reverse Hypers x 12-15