Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle
Metcon (No Measure)
With a Partner Complete (35 minute Cap)
21-15-9 Double DB Deadlift 70/50
15-12-9 Handstand Push Ups/DB Shoulder Press
*Both partners work at the same time. Once both partners finish their movements, partners will then switch and perform the same rep scheme for the other movement.
Rest 3 Minutes
27-21-15 Wall Ball
21-15-9 Pull Up
*Both partners work at the same time. Once both partners finish their movements, partners will then switch and perform the same rep scheme for the other movement.
Rest 3 Minutes
Ring/DB Push Up
KB Swing
*Both partners work at the same time. Once both partners finish their movements, partners will then switch and perform the same rep scheme for the other movement.
Rest 3 Minutes
For Time:
45 DB Deadlift
36 Handstand Push Ups
63 Wall Ball
45 Pull Ups
45 Ring Push Up
45 KB Swing
*Chipper format. Only 1 partner works at a time.
A) 3 Sets
15-12-9 Deadlift
Rest 30 Seconds
15-12-9 Seated Z-Press (DB or BB)
Rest 90 Seconds between sets
Rest 3 Minutes
B) 3 Sets
12-9-6 Front Squat @21×1
Rest 30 seconds
12-9-6 Strict Pull Ups @21×1
Rest 90 Seconds between set
Rest 3 Minute
C) 3 Sets
15-12-9 Tempo Ring/DB Push Ups @21×1
Rest 30 Seconds
21-15-9 Russian KB Swing
Rest 90 Seconds
D) 3 Sets
Barbell Curl Complex x 7 each (Supinated, Mixed, Mixed Pronated)
BB or DB Triceps Complex x 7 each (Pull overs, skull crushers, close grip press)
*Pull Over =