Saturday, July 17, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform

A) AMRAP in 12 Minutes

12 KB Swing

8 Medball Sit Up Toss

8-12 Hand Release Push Ups

Rest 4 Minutes

For Time:

200m Run

10 Toe To Ring

100 Front Squat (Barbell or Double DB/KB)

*P1 = 200m Run

P2 = 10 Toe to Ring, in remaining time perform AMRAP front squats. Once P1 returns from run, partners which and P1 picks up where P2 left off. Your team completes 100 front squat you’re done.



With a Partner Perform

A) AMRAP in 12 Minutes

12 KB Swing

8 Wt. Sit Up

8-12 Hand Release Push Ups

Rest 4 Minutes

Every 5 Minutes Perform:

In a 3 Minute Window

200m Run or 250m Row

10 Toe To Ring/V-Up

In Remaining Time Perform

AMRAP Front Squat (Barbell or Double DB/KB)

Continue this until you complete 50 total reps of front squat

B) 1 Set

100 Banded Curls (Every time you break perform 10 barbell curls)

100 Banded Triceps Extensions (Every time you break perform 10 barbell skull crushers)