Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Metcon (Time)
A) AMRAP in 7 Minutes
4 Power Snatch or Single Arm DB Snatch
8 Sit Up
12 Push Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
B) AMRAP in 7 Minutes
4 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 or DB Shoulder to Overhead
8 Toe to Bar or Ring
8 Front Rack Lunge (4/4) or DB Lunge
Rest 3 Minutes
C) For Time:
40 Power Snatch 115/75 or Single Arm DB Snatch (Each)
60 Sit Up
80 Push Ups
40 Shoulder to Overhead
60 Toe to Bar Ring
60 Front Rack Lunge or DB Lunge
Metcon (Time)
A) AMRAP in 7 Minutes
4 Power Snatch 135/95
8 GHD Sit Up
12 Push Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
B) AMRAP in 7 Minutes
4 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
8 Toe to Bar
8 Front Rack Lunge (4/4)
Rest 3 Minutes
C) For Time:
40 Power Snatch 135/95
60 GHD Sit Up
80 Push Ups
40 Shoulder to Overhead
60 Toe to Bar
60 Front Rack Lunge
D) 3 Sets:
Close Grip Bench to Chest x 5
Right Into:
Close Grip Bench to 2 Boards x 5
Right Into:
Close Grip Bench to Foam Roller x Max Reps
Single Arm Bent Over KB Row x 20 each
E) 3 Sets:
Prone on Flat Bench Intra Set Lateral Raise x 5 reps with 3 second hold at top + 5 Reps with 3 seconds eccentric + Max Reps no tempo or pause
Farmers Carry x 100 ft
Sandbag Bear Hug or Zercher Carry x 100ft